Eating outside the Box

My name is Renee. I'm a mother of two, wife of one. I have always loved food- maybe even a little bit too much. But as with all aspects of life, after having two little ones in quick succession, my perspectives on food began to change. Doesn't every mother want to feed their child the best possible things that she can? As I researched deeper and deeper into the way we eat, where we get our food, where it comes from, and how it's grown, the evidence against the way we're doing things began to stack up-high. (If you're interested- and you should be- the health of yourself and your family depends on it! I suggest starting with a few good documentaries. Food, Inc. is great, and so is The Future of Food and Food Matters. All 3 are available to watch instantly on Netflix, too! Check out the very bottom of this page for a great selection of resources to get you started.) Why are we feeding our cows corn and animal by-products when God designed them to eat grass? Why, when they're fed grass, do they actually become HEALTHY for you, rather than the dreaded red meat of today's media? It began to amaze me more and more that when food was grown and eaten as God intended it, it suddenly became healthy for you! Many of my family and friends probably believe that our family has decided to eat 100% organic because it's healthier. This is a false assumption. We decided to eat 100% organic because it's healthy- period! The way that 'science' is messing with the food- corn that has internal pesticides, crops that can be sprayed continuously with poison and survive, is not only creepy, it's dangerous. When you follow the money trail, it becomes easy to see how these frankenfoods end up in our grocery stores- the same people who are developing them are the ones overseeing them for 'safety'. Yikes, talk about a conflict of interest!

I could go on for days, but I won't. I'll just tell you that this blog is being created so that I, a wife and mother, can share with you, just how you CAN help to change things. Eat healthier- and ditch your brainwashing! Eating healthy DOESN'T mean it has to taste bad! That's just what the processed food commercials have made you believe. Follow me on a journey of deliciousness, and take baby steps! If you can't go all organic, just try to get it wherever you can. Definitely start by avoiding GMO foods. You can visit the Non GMO Project to download and print a guide to brands and products that have been verified as Non GMO. You can also support local farmers by buying local, or visiting Farmer’s Markets. Did you know the average product in the supermarket travels 1500 miles before it gets to your store? That means they pick stuff before it’s ripe and use unnatural ways of finishing it off- like ripening tomatoes using ethylene gas. Try to get stuff that’s in season whenever you can, because it’s more likely to be grown locally that way! Does it require a little sacrifice on your part to do so? Absolutely. No more eating out. A little bit of a tighter food budget. But believe me, we aren't rich, and we are making it happen. If there's anything in this world worth investing in, it's your family's health. Wouldn't you think? The Lord gave us so many wonderful gifts in food, and He wants us to enjoy them. Food can be healing and can bring families together after a busy day to sit at a table and enjoy each other's company. Food is one of the most powerful aspects of your life. It's IMPORTANT! And it's NEVER too late to start eating healthy- it's proven that one good meal starts reversing biological damage. Just one good meal! Cooking CAN be fun, and it CAN be simple. And as consumers, we are voting for the type of food that we're going to see produced in the future, whether we like it or not. Remember, you are what you eat. What will your vote be?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Almond Crusted Salmon with Asparagus Spears

This one is definitely a best seller in my house, sure to disappear quickly even from the plate of my finicky two year old! I started with the desire to make a slightly healthier version of fried fish. As I munched on almonds, pondering a plausible solution, it came to me. Almond meal! And so a beautiful relationship was born. This is also a great alternative to breading in just about every recipe, from chicken parm to the less formal chicken nugget! It’s a good substitute for bread crumbs for any of you low-carb people doing South Beach or Atkins, too, for instance. Almonds are packed with a great number of yummy nutrients, so don’t be afraid of them! The best way to eat them is, of course, raw. But we’ll make an exception for this recipe, ok?


Click to Enlarge

Raw almonds
1 lb Salmon fillet
Garlic powder
Salt and Pepper to taste
Ground Flax Seed (Optional)
Olive Oil

Step One: Prep your coating

You can do this in a blender, food processor, or (like me!) with a trusty Ninja! Put about a cup of raw almonds, 1 tsp of garlic powder, 1 tsp of dill, 2 TBSP of flax seed (optional) and ½ tsp of salt into your food crusher of choice. Then pulse it a few times, until you get a nice meal. You can use one that is coarse, or one that is very fine, it’s all about personal preference. I prefer the texture of a coarser grind, so that’s what I’ve done for this recipe.

Crack one  egg into a bowl and whisk with a fork. Now set everything aside for a few minutes, we’ll get back to it later. A note on the flax seed: lots of people try to add flax to their diet for its nutritional benefits. Unfortunately, you can’t digest flax seeds in their whole state! Make sure when you make such valiant efforts, that you consume flax that has been ground or crushed. J

Step Two: No scales, please!

Next you want to get your fish ready for coating. Depending on what salmon you buy, this step may not apply to you. We can do a quick test to see if it does or not, so don’t panic. Here we go: Look at your fillets. Do they have scales? If yes, then this step applies to you! If not, skip ahead to step three.

As of yet, there is currently NO organic seafood. There just aren’t standards for something you’re getting out of the middle of the ocean! Your best bet at this point wild caught, all natural. It’s important to be aware that due to pollution, all fish is going to have mercury in it. The bigger the fish, the more mercury, since they eat smaller fish and absorb the mercury from those as well. Salmon is one of the safest fish that’s going to be common in any given seafood section, so you don’t have to worry too much. Plus, fish (salmon especially) is one of the best sources there is of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for brain function and growth, so yeah, really important. Don’t skimp on those omega-3s! There are plant sources of omega-3, too, but they don’t compare to animal sources. Your body has to convert them to the same type as the animal omegas, and in doing so you loose pretty much all of it, resulting in only trace amounts of what you’ve consumed. Try to eat a good omega-3 animal source, like salmon, twice a week.

You might think at this point, “Why don’t I just get farm raised salmon? Wouldn’t they have less mercury than their wild counterparts?”

It may be true, I’m not sure. But I do know that most fish farms feed their fish pellets composed of crushed up chicken feathers. Why? Because the factory farms don’t have a good use for the quadrillions of feathers they rip off their chickens each year, and they want to get every penny they can. It’s a cheap food source for fish farmers. And it’s completely unhealthy. Fish aren’t supposed to eat feathers! Unless you can verify that your farm source is practicing ethically, stick to wild caught. Fish eating feathers just aren’t getting what they need- why would you think any different concerning the people eating those feather fish?

Ok, now, let’s skin that fish! Some  people use a knife. I buy Full Circle’s frozen fillets from Big Y and never have to, though. I find that by just grabbing the fish at the corner and pulling gently at the skin, I am able to pull the whole piece away without too much trouble. Try to start on the thinner side of your fillet so that you don’t end up pulling the flesh away with the skin. You will still have a thin ‘film’ of skin when you’re done- this is fine to cook and eat!

Step Three: Dunk and Coat

At this point you’re ready to pre-heat your pan. You want to put two or three tablespoons of olive oil in it and heat on medium low. This is important, don’t cook on high with olive oil! Once the olive oil starts smoking, it has turned from a good, healthy fat, into a bad one. Cooking with lower temperatures will help prevent this transformation from taking place.

You also want to get your asparagus ready. I am using my handy bamboo steamer, but you can use any method you prefer- asparagus is very versatile. I like the bamboo steamer because unlike metal steamers, it does not collect water on the surface, effectively flooding your veggies. It absorbs water, and lets them actually be cooked by the steam, as you intended to do in the first place. Lightly steaming them is fine, if you overcook them, they lose most of their nutrients. It should only take between 6-8 minutes, or until tender. If you’re using frozen asparagus refer to the instructions on the bag.

HINT: If you don’t have a steamer, that’s perfectly all right: the best way to cook asparagus is to steam it standing up! That way it cooks more evenly, because the bottoms are tough and thick, the tops are thin and tender. Place all the stalks together and tie with a little twine or a rope fashioned MacGyver style from aluminum foil. Place them upright in a pot in an inch or so of boiling water for 6-8 minutes. Beautiful!

Here’s one last handy note on your asparagus. If you’re using fresh asparagus, most people cut off an inch or so from the bottom to avoid that akward, this-is-too-tough-I’m-going-to-spit-it-in-my-napkin-and-everyone-will-stare moment. But there’s a better way to make sure you’re getting the tenderest of the tender! Hold the stalk horizontally with your thumbs and forefingers. If you hold both sides and gently bend the stalk, it will snap right where that tough part and the tender part meet. If you find that yours are breaking halfway up, it means you probably got old asparagus that was sitting in the store awhile. Sorry, pal- tough break! (Pun intended.)

Remember your eggs and almond meal? Grab them, it’s time to get down to business! Pour a little almond meal onto a plate. Don’t pour all of it- it will only take about ¾ cup to coat your fish, so you don’t want to contaminate the whole lot with raw eggs and raw fish. Instead, add a little to the plate as needed. The rest can be saved, and if you aren’t going to use it in fairly short order, go ahead and freeze it. (Looking for a great recipe to use that left over almond meal? Why not try my Fried  Mozzarella Cheese sticks?) Dip your fillets, one at a time, into the egg, and then place them on your almond meal plate. Coat all over with the meal, making sure to press it in well so it doesn’t all just fall off in the pan.

Step Four: The fish fry!

When all of your fillets are coated, place them on your pre-heated pan. As you cook, you might want to add more olive oil. Use your discretion! Cook until golden brown on one side, then flip and do the same on the other side. It will take about 5 minutes per side, but this can vary widely depending on the thickness of your fillets. You can tell they are done when there is no more translucent pink in the middle, only opaque pink. Cut into one with a knife to check, I don’t expect you to have crazy x-ray powers!

Arrange your asparagus and salmon on a plate and either bring a lemon wedge to the table or just add a squeeze fresh off the pan. Salt and pepper to taste, and serve with a hearty helping of quinoa (not pictured.) Costco sells organic Quinoa for the best price that I’ve found so far, but you can find a Bob’s Red Mill version for slightly more per pound at most grocery stores and even Ocean State Job Lot. Quinoa is a whole grain, try to store it in the refrigerator to keep it from going rancid if you aren’t going to use it right away. If you have no idea what Quinoa even is, please try it! It’s a healthier and much yummier substitute for rice that is also gluten free. It’s so tasty, it has a light, nutty flavor, and goes nice in any number of recipes as well as being the perfect side dish.

I hope you enjoy the salmon. Every time I make it, it’s almost sad how quickly it disappears. I only wish I could savor it longer!

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These are some great resources!!!!