Eating outside the Box

My name is Renee. I'm a mother of two, wife of one. I have always loved food- maybe even a little bit too much. But as with all aspects of life, after having two little ones in quick succession, my perspectives on food began to change. Doesn't every mother want to feed their child the best possible things that she can? As I researched deeper and deeper into the way we eat, where we get our food, where it comes from, and how it's grown, the evidence against the way we're doing things began to stack up-high. (If you're interested- and you should be- the health of yourself and your family depends on it! I suggest starting with a few good documentaries. Food, Inc. is great, and so is The Future of Food and Food Matters. All 3 are available to watch instantly on Netflix, too! Check out the very bottom of this page for a great selection of resources to get you started.) Why are we feeding our cows corn and animal by-products when God designed them to eat grass? Why, when they're fed grass, do they actually become HEALTHY for you, rather than the dreaded red meat of today's media? It began to amaze me more and more that when food was grown and eaten as God intended it, it suddenly became healthy for you! Many of my family and friends probably believe that our family has decided to eat 100% organic because it's healthier. This is a false assumption. We decided to eat 100% organic because it's healthy- period! The way that 'science' is messing with the food- corn that has internal pesticides, crops that can be sprayed continuously with poison and survive, is not only creepy, it's dangerous. When you follow the money trail, it becomes easy to see how these frankenfoods end up in our grocery stores- the same people who are developing them are the ones overseeing them for 'safety'. Yikes, talk about a conflict of interest!

I could go on for days, but I won't. I'll just tell you that this blog is being created so that I, a wife and mother, can share with you, just how you CAN help to change things. Eat healthier- and ditch your brainwashing! Eating healthy DOESN'T mean it has to taste bad! That's just what the processed food commercials have made you believe. Follow me on a journey of deliciousness, and take baby steps! If you can't go all organic, just try to get it wherever you can. Definitely start by avoiding GMO foods. You can visit the Non GMO Project to download and print a guide to brands and products that have been verified as Non GMO. You can also support local farmers by buying local, or visiting Farmer’s Markets. Did you know the average product in the supermarket travels 1500 miles before it gets to your store? That means they pick stuff before it’s ripe and use unnatural ways of finishing it off- like ripening tomatoes using ethylene gas. Try to get stuff that’s in season whenever you can, because it’s more likely to be grown locally that way! Does it require a little sacrifice on your part to do so? Absolutely. No more eating out. A little bit of a tighter food budget. But believe me, we aren't rich, and we are making it happen. If there's anything in this world worth investing in, it's your family's health. Wouldn't you think? The Lord gave us so many wonderful gifts in food, and He wants us to enjoy them. Food can be healing and can bring families together after a busy day to sit at a table and enjoy each other's company. Food is one of the most powerful aspects of your life. It's IMPORTANT! And it's NEVER too late to start eating healthy- it's proven that one good meal starts reversing biological damage. Just one good meal! Cooking CAN be fun, and it CAN be simple. And as consumers, we are voting for the type of food that we're going to see produced in the future, whether we like it or not. Remember, you are what you eat. What will your vote be?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Smoked Salmon Cream Cheese Dip

This recipe is simple, yet satisfying, and so rich. It goes great on bagels, crackers, veggies (especially broccoli, that’s our personal favorite!) and it’s very likely that a number of other items in the food world would benefit from its presence as well. The salmon provides a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which we don’t get enough of in today’s average diet. And it’s an easy sell with kids. It’s meant as a treat or to be used sparingly because it does have a high fat content, but don’t fret too much. It ages you prematurely. J Be aware that besides the oil, cream cheese, and salmon, all of the other ingredients are really optional. You can tweak it to taste. This is the recipe that we like best in our family!


Click to Enlarge

8 oz Cream Cheese or Neufchatel Cheese
4 oz smoked Salmon
1 TBSP butter
2 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil
¼ tsp Celery Leaf
¼ tsp Garlic Powder
½ tsp Parsley
½ tsp Kirkland No-Salt Seasoning
Salt and Pepper to taste

Step One: Put it All Together!

Like I said before, this recipe is very simple. Add all of the ingredients together in a mixing bowl. If you prefer to ease the work a bit, you can soften the cheese and butter beforehand. Try to get pastured butter if you can. During the fall, Organic Valley makes a special pastured butter. Why? It’s the same concept as with grass fed beef. When cows eat grass, they produce milk, and therefore milk by-products like cheese and butter, that are far superior to the average grocery store product. These products are shockingly good for you, high in CLAs and other important nutrients. Pastured raw milk and butter actually can help prevent disease and heal the body, whereas pasteurized, grain fed milk and butter are virtually useless and/or harmful to you. Yeah, the Got Milk campaign? That is a total scam, unless that milk is raw. Sorry I had to be the one to break it to you. If you’re skeptical, I highly encourage you to do the research yourself. If your brainwashing says (as mine once did, I’m not judging!) “RAW! That’s horrible! It needs to be pasteurized or you could die!” then please review the facts. In the disgusting factory farm model of today, where manure and other unsavory things are flying into the meat and products we drink every minute of every day, of course pasteurization is needed. It kills everything-good and bad-in the milk. In a small farm with a clean operation, so long as basic precautions are taken, its not nearly such a risk. (Did you know that a grain fed cow that is given grass for only 5 days will have the ecoli in its gut reduced by 80 percent?) When they get the right food, the right amount of space, and the right care, disease is really not an issue anymore. If you are STILL concerned, be aware that a farm must be licensed and inspected to sell raw milk. Way to go, government regulation! Putting minds at ease every day.

Now where was I? Oh yeah. Cream cheese.

Neufchatel cheese, at least in America, is basically exactly the same in taste and texture as cream cheese. Instead of being made with just cream, it is made with whole mik and cream, therefore reducing the fat content by 30 percent. 365, Whole Food’s store brand, sells both cheeses in an organic variety.

Step Two: Mix it in!

Mix this concoction together thoroughly with a bamboo spoon (or other utensil of your choice. I like the bamboo spoon because it doesn’t slip over the cheese, it has more grip, and helps get the job done faster. That’s just my humble opinion!)

Step Three: Find something to dip in it!

That’s it, you’re done. Serve it up and dip whatever your heart desires in it, or else spread it on toast, or a bagel. You get the idea, the possibilities are endless.

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These are some great resources!!!!